You’ve heard so much about going solar. You think it might be right for you. You’re impressed by the countless benefits, like locking in low energy rates, the maintenance free clean energy, and you’re aware of the many grants, rebates, and discounts you could receive. But it’s important to ask yourself these 5 questions before installing solar panels--they’ll save you a lot of time and money.
1. How much energy am I using now?
This is perhaps the most important part of starting a solar project. By taking a look at your energy bills to know how much electricity you’re using and how much you’re spending on it, you’ll be able to have a realistic expectation of what your return on investment will be after completing your project.
Solar is an exceptional investment when properly sized and designed. With many financing options, it can even be cash positive from day one. Improperly sizing a system, however, can significantly affect the return on your investment. This is why most solar specialists will ask to go over your electric bill with you. They need to know how much energy you’re using and what you’re spending on it so they can recommend the best system size and equipment for your electrical needs.
2. Do I have a right to install solar?
If you’re a part of any homeowner associations or similar group, make sure you’re allowed to invest in solar. Read up on your state’s Solar Access Laws to know your rights regarding renewable energy device installation and know what your homeowner’s association requires within those terms. For example, in Florida, your HOA cannot prevent the installation of solar devices on a roof but they may be able to determine where the panels can be placed.
If you live in a state that doesn’t have a Solar Access Law or you’re worried that your homeowners association will delay the installation process, check out this guide on how to win them over to the solar side.
3. How old is my roof?
If you plan to replace your roof this year, it’s better to wait on the solar system a bit. The last thing you want after investing in a PV system is finding out a month later that it needs to be removed and reinstalled for the roof replacement. Solar companies can remove and reinstall your panels but that’s an unnecessary added expense. If you do have plans to replace your roof shortly, contact your solar company to coordinate the installation. There are often opportunities to reduce the installation costs if some of the work is done while the roof is being replaced.
4. What kind of solar system is right for me?
This is much easier said than done and you should rely on reputable solar experts to help you figure this out. They’ll inspect your roof and appraise how many panels could feasibly fit on your roof, figure out how much expected electricity will be produced, and help specify the best solar system for your household.
Do research and ask questions, though! No one is expecting you to become a solar expert overnight and if you want to be able to understand how your solar system works or why your representative is suggesting a certain product or placement, just ask about anything you don’t quite understand. Here at Superior Solar, we love whenever our clients want to know more about our products and services and we’re happy to share our Superior knowledge.
5. What are my financing options?
PV systems can have a significant up-front cost, but there are strong financing programs that can really help you with payments! Many of these have payments that are lower than your savings from day one, with zero out of pocket costs. Some of these programs don’t even require a credit check. Check out the PACE program coming to Orlando and do some research on other government subsidies, rebates, or tax credits for which you may qualify. You might be surprised at how affordable solar can be
Have any other questions? Having trouble answering them? Contact us on our website or call us at 407.331.9077! We’ll be happy to help you with any and every inquiry you have.