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2 min read

6 Tips to Get Your HOA’s Approval for Solar

Many people have to deal with homeowners associations. Depending on the community or area you live in, some HOAs are more regulated and authoritarian than others. You’re probably familiar with some of the precedents they set: street parking, what kinds of plants you can have in your yard, fence height, etc.

Many of these rules are common to the majority of HOAs, some seem extraneous, and others are just plain silly. However, there’s at least one rule that some Floridian homeowners associations have that are ILLEGAL! When it comes to making the switch to solar, your HOA cannot legally decide to inhibit solar system installations.


So I Can Go Solar? YES!

It’s a common misconception to think that you can’t get solar panels for your home because your homeowners association won’t allow it. And that’s just not true! Florida, among many other states, has what’s called a Solar Access Law. This law prohibits any entity from denying you permission to install solar panels on your property. Read more about Florida’s Solar Access Law.

However, your HOA can still cause you problems. While you don't need their approval for solar, they are legally allowed to direct where and how your solar panels are installed, as long as the panels’ direction does not “impair the effective operation of the solar collectors.” For example, they can direct your system to be installed on the Southeast side of your roof instead of the Southwest side.

A homeowners association can also just be unwilling to learn about the benefits of solar and unintentionally delay your installation because they’re nitpicking over the details. Although it’s illegal for an HOA to purposely try to postpone a solar installation, they just might not know about solar and are upset that you want strange objects on your roof.

To speed up the installation process and convince your HOA that solar will only benefit your home and your shared community, here’s 6 details you can mention that can help bring your HOA over to the solar side:

1. Solar power increases the value of your home

For every $1 you save in annual electric costs, your home jumps up to $20 in value! Doesn’t every homeowners association want more highly valued properties?

2. Solar panels are beautiful and symbolic

Yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but there are some PV panel setups that are stunning. And as solar continues to gain popularity, many people see solar panels as a badge of honor, showing others that they’re financially wise and how much they care for the environment.

3. Solar panels help protect our children’s future

Energy production pollutes more than cars do and the majority of power plants in the U.S. run on dirty coal. That kind of air pollution leads to climate change and serious health problems like asthma and chronic bronchitis. If the person you’re talking to has kids, try appealing to their sense of responsibility.

4. Solar panels protect energy independence

If climate change is a sticky subject for your HOA, focus instead on the fact that using free American sunshine will help prevent relying on foreign oil.

5. Solar panels will save you a bundle of money

You could note that this money could instead be used on beautifying your yard and house. What HOA wouldn’t like that?!

6. It’s possible no one will even see your solar panels

Depending on the orientation and layout of your house and roof, no one may even see your solar system!


Many homeowners associations are receptive to solar systems but many are not. Keep these points in mind as you discuss going solar with your HOA to convince them of solar’s benefits. Remember that they cannot say no to solar.

If you’d like to know more about the benefits of going solar, call us at 407.331.9077 or contact us here! We’d be glad to convince your homeowners association of the advantages of a PV or other solar system and we’ll help you figure out all the details. Get in touch with us today!
