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2 min read

8 Advantages of Solar Powered Homes

In recent times, there are two things that have become a trend for many Americans; saving money and going green.  Although there are many eager individuals who are ready and willing to help preserve the environment, the same group of people don't know where to begin.  There are small things that one can do to help save money and be kind to earth, but will that be enough to see any significant changes in your wallet?  Solar energy may have the payoff that you are seeking.  If you are thinking of switching to solar, you need to do your research to ensure that it will be best for you.  Here are eight advantages of solar powered homes.

1. Increase Your Home's Value

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has determined that approximately each dollar you save on energy costs adds $20 to the value of your home.  This kind of payoff alone may cover the initial installation of the panels!  

2. Enjoy Savings From the Start

Many investments take time to see any benefits.  With a solar powered home, you see the return from the very beginning.  As your energy bills become miniscule, your wallet in turn will grow.  There will be no need to sit twiddling your thumbs looking for the savings you desire.  From the day your bill arrives you won't have to wonder if solar power was a bad investment.

3. Reliability

The advances in technology always leaves some margin for errors or technical difficulties.  With solar power, there are no moving parts and maintenance is very minimal.  Outside of a little dust, your system should last at least twenty five years.  As long as the sun is still shining, a solar powered home will keep functioning as it should.  

4. Government Perks

There are subsidies available to those who are using solar power to promote a positive environmental impact.  There are several rebates and tax available to take advantage of.  Visit Energy.gov to find all subsidies avaialble in your state.


5. Job Creation

Did you know that solar power generates about two to three times more jobs than coal or natural gas?  Not only does solar power save you money, but it also helps to stimulate the economy.

6. Independence

When you choose to use solar energy to power your home, you have the power to sever your dependence to the big power companies.  With a solar home that generates all or most of your power needs, the rising cost of energy won't you affect your home in a significant way.

7. Income Possibilities

If you live in a state that offers renewable energy incentives, the local utility company will pay you for the clean energy that your solar panels produce.  Whether it is with direct cash or through credits, your energy bill will exceed zero and into the negatives.

8. Save the World!

Although solar power can't literally save the world, it can however decrease your carbon footprint, which in turn can lead to better health for all with cleaner air, soil, and water.  

Are you ready to make the switch to solar power?  Contact Superior Solar to learn how you can start enjoying the numerous benefits of solar energy today!
