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2 min read

What are Best Solar Panels for Florida Homeowners?

As things become more and more taxing and our resources remain spread thin, we need to begin using new technologies or risk being left out from all the ongoing progress. A perfect example of this equation is with energy. We don't have the electricity resources to keep up with the constant strain. Supply is being used; prices are going up; something has got to change.

So it's no surprise that across Florida and elsewhere in the United States many people are turning to solar energy. The sun is there; the energy from our star isn't being used nearly to its potential; solar energy is the wave of the future and it's happening now. But when you begin to look into it, the things you find out can be very confusing. Like which are the best solar panels to get? Here is a rundown of the popular names in the industry.

BTUs: Probably the easiest way to decide the best solar panels for your daily energy collection would be the readout of the BTUs (British Thermal Units). This measurement is basically a measurement of how efficiently your panels are collecting energy. The side by side of the different units on the market are pretty telling.

These readouts are based on an 8 panel solar unit:


  • 608,970 Btu’s per day
  • 76,121 Btu’s per panel per day


  • 585,044 Btu’s per day
  • 73,131 Btu’s per panel per day


  • 584,637 Btu’s per day
  • 73,080 Btu’s per panel per day


  • 553,344 Btu’s per day
  • 69,168 Btu’s per panel per day


  • 483,437 Btu’s per day
  • 60,430 Btu’s per panel per day

As you can see from these numbers the Heliocol brand of panels is the most efficient type of panel on the market for collection and storage of solar energy.

Protection: Heliocol Solar Panels also have a number of other things going for them. They have a patented design for roof mounting and safety which means that your panels will be installed and you won't need to worry about the elements or about something aberrant happening to your panels. This protection is a huge thing to consider as these panels are going to be your energy source for your home and your family. You would hate for something to happen and to be suddenly left in the dark.

Warranty: The folks at Heliocol also stand behind their panels as they have a warranty which checks in at 12 years. That means they stand behind their panels longer than any of their competitors in the solar industry. Another reason to stick with a name like theirs to hang onto your precious solar energy.

There are other things which make Heliocol Solar Panels stand out as the best solar panels in the industry like their no maintenance panel clamps and their acceptance within the solar industry, just to name a few reasons. At the end of the day, the choice is yours. So if you would like to learn more about this brand or you have some questions about which are the best solar panels for you and your home then you should call on a name you can trust.

Another leader in the industry, Superior Solar, has got answers to so many of your solar related questions.  Give them a call or reach out to them on their website to see if solar panels can make sense for you!
