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2 min read

7 Interesting Facts About Solar Energy in Florida

If you have been thinking about solar energy in Florida and you haven't been briefed on the facts, you are not alone. If Floridians all knew the hundreds or thousands of dollars a year they could save from solar pool heating in their homes, there would be a run on the solar providers. Here are 7 interesting facts about solar energy that you should digest before making any solar energy decisions.

1. Zero Costs: One of the most interesting facts about solar energy is that the operating costs for the consumer are zero. There is plenty of sunshine in Florida and with that renewable energy heating your pool in perpetuity there are no costs for you to generate this energy. Installation costs? Yes, but with $0 down and affordable financing plans, you will see savings from day one.

2. Always On: While other heaters for your pool may take hours or longer to heat up, the solar panels are always here for your pool and keep your pool warm and ready to roll throughout the season.

3. Clean: One of the more interesting facts about solar energy is that there is no air pollution created during the solar pool heating process. Your carbon footprint will be reduced and your children and grandchildren will benefit from your reduction of pollutants by taking on solar energy.

4. Maintenance Free: If you jump onto the Heliocol solar panels you will see that these are some of the best in the business. They are protected with a lifetime warranty. These panels are designed to last in excess of 20 years before even the first bit of work is required. But with your lifetime warranty you will be taken care of for years to come beyond that.


5. Flexible Financing: If you are told by your solar energy provider that you need to pay huge out of pocket costs or big upfront charges, you should look elsewhere. The very best solar energy providers will stand behind their products such that there are flexible financing plans available. That is, when you begin saving money from your solar energy panels, you can then divert that savings to paying back the costs of your solar energy panels.

6. Florida's Best: Drill down deep and you will discover that the Heliocol panels offered are the very best for Florida's specific climate. Heliocol panels last longer, produce more energy, and are the best suited for this particular brand of weather than any other.

7. Heliocol Difference: In addition to being the solar panels most often requested by insurance providers and most recommended by experienced roofers, the Heliocol solar panels also offer some major perks:

  • They have a "no leak roof connection" meaning that they can anchor into trusses. This eliminates loose or pulled out connections and roof leaking situations.
  • There is a patented connection which means that for your panels there will be no hose connection issues. If you find out you have installed a non-Heliocol panel you are going to need to have your hoses tightened every few years.
  • The added savings Heliocol adds to your bottom line from the beginning makes the increased costs of the system well worth the added amounts.

Your home deserves the best so you should only deal with the best.

As you can see there are very good reasons for you to choose a solar panel provider that offers Heliocol solar panels. If you do your research you will find that only one solar provider is the exclusive dealer for Heliocol solar panels in Orlando and the central Florida area; Superior Solar. If you would like to learn more it makes some sense to call on Superior Solar and learn about how they can start saving you money today!
