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2 min read

How Do Hi-tec vs Heliocol Solar Panels Compare?

The fact is, Heliocol outshines Hi-Tec at just about every level.  And it makes sense, too, when one gets down and really crunches the numbers. But to understand this completely requires a broader understanding of the benefits surrounding such solar options.  This understanding makes it easier to see what makes Heliocol so much more recommendable.

First and foremost, with solar energy there is no operation cost.  It's renewable, so in a way things powered by solar energy become their own closed system.  Since such energy is so self-contained, it is always ready at a moment's notice.  Hours--sometimes even days--are often required when using conventional methods to heat a pool.  But with solar, so long as the pump is running and there is sunshine, the pool's temperature remains constant throughout the sunny months.

With that understood, it makes sense to find a solar panel that's known to produce the most energy.  Certainly there are many options, but some won't be able to fulfill the concept behind their purchase.  But there are options that can. Heliocol solar panels produce more energy and are longer-lasting.  Especially when considering Florida's climate, these panels become especially recommendable.  In fact, there is no pool-heating solar solution that works better in Florida.

hi-tec-vs-heliocol-solar-panels.jpgOne of the perks of Heliocol technology is that it's entirely maintenance free.  While other panels like Hi-Tec have more maintenance involved in their operation, Heliocol has made it their prerogative to produce the most convenient product.  And that's not just the case for the short-term.  These panels have been rated at twenty years--maybe even more.  Plus, they come with a lifetime warranty, meaning that even should the unthinkable happen, you're not down a solar energy solution to warm your pool.

There is some very interesting technology in Heliocol systems.  What basically happens is that sensors keep a bead on your pool's level of warmth, while simultaneously factoring in available sunlight.  If the water doesn't need warmed, the system doesn't push out any heat. Should it require heat, the solar valve is opened and water is sent to the panels.  There the water is heated before being returned to the pool.  This product continues until the temperature in the pool matches that which has been set on the solar panel's thermostat.

Now Hi-Tec definitely offers some similar features, but they haven't engineered their product such that it produces maximum value.  For example, you can expect Heliocol panels to have as much as twenty-six percent more heat than the panels of Hi-Tec.  Hi-Tec also has a smaller warranty.  It caps at twelve years, rather than being a lifetime option.

Another rough thing about Hi-Tec's panels is they use parts which aren't so good for the environment, and degrade nastily over time.  The same kind of hoses used in radiators are used in the Hi-Tec option, and they are known to deteriorate messily.  Usually very noticeable stains mar the roof, and because metal clamps are used, they must be periodically tightened in order to prevent leakage.

In stark contrast, components from Heliocol have clamps, panels, and components that have been engineered with medical-grade plastic.  It's a durable substance, and the need for maintenance is eliminated entirely.

The bottom line is, Heliocol provides more value than Hi-Tec, and it's easy to see why.  Better components and customer service have been combined into a product that is designed to be durable and self-sustaining.  When considering products like this, it makes sense to purchase those that will prove a lucrative investment for many years.  Hi-Tec can't make such long-term guarantees, and that's a big reason they're not the best option.