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1 min read

Solar Can Power Economic Growth in Florida

In his editorial in the Tampa Times on July 15 2012, titled “The Power of the Sun,” John Coggin argues that photovolatiac technology could power a major economic expansion in Florida.

Although the manufacturing sector of the solar industry in the United States is struggling to compete with cheaper products coming from China, the solar installation business is booming in the U.S., especially in states that have aggressive incentives. Coggin argues that the installation business is where governments should be investing.

The expansion in the use of commercial and residential PV would help restore Florida’s most important and most devastated economic sectors; real estate. It will put displaced workers with a diverse range of skill levels back to work; roofers and electricians to engineers and architects.

The initiative will require leadership from state elected officials including the governor. Coggin believes that a combination of mandates and rebates should be used to make the initiative work. He sites several steps to take to ensure the aggressive expansion works;

  1. Revive the mandate for 20% of Florida’s electricity to be met by renewable sources by 2020.
  2. Create a market for Renewable Energy Credits in Florida
  3. Replenish funding for our solar rebate program
  4. Strong leadership and vision from the top

Many of these initiatives have been implemented in other states with a good deal of success. With the amount of sun Florida gets, our solar program would be a certain success. How could anyone argue with economic growth, new jobs and clean energy?