It’s common enough to look out your airplane window as you’re moving down the terminal lanes. You’ll usually see a lot of concrete. Maybe some grass. But what if that space was used for solar panels?

Well, that’s exactly what’s happening at major airports in the United States and around the world. As the cost of solar panels continues to drop and renewable energy incentives increase, airports are increasingly looking to make the switch to solar. On the roofs of terminals, at the tops of parking garages, and in the spaces around tarmacs, pretty much anywhere the airports can fit ‘em, solar panels are being installed.
It’s a great addition not only because the land near airports are often unusable from the noise and proximity to low-flying aircrafts, but also because airports are such heavy energy users. Plus, in a study focusing on solar energy being used at airports, researchers found that solar energy systems installed at major city airports actually produced enough energy to supply extra energy to the city’s power grid.

The San Diego International Airport, Denver International Airport, and Honolulu International airport are just a few U.S. airports to start installing solar panels. Denver’s system produces around 6 percent of its electricity. The Californian and Hawaiian airports’ panels, meanwhile, generate around 11 percent of the total power they use.
Worldwide, airports are similarly jumping onto this trend. India’s Cochin International Airport--which caters to more than 5 million people every year--just installed a PV system that enables it to run completely on solar energy, becoming the world's first solar-powered airport.

As solar systems continue to gain popularity and have become so affordable, there is a clear rise in installations for residential and commercial sectors. Airports are just one obvious candidate to make the switch to solar. With the opportunity to save on costs, increase renewable energy use, and help reduce the effects of climate change, it just makes sense to go solar.
Interested in learning more about getting a solar system for yourself? Call or contact us today at 407.331.9077. We’d be happy to help you figure out where to start!