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1 min read

Solar Wins by A Landslide!

Yes on 4. Yes on 4. Yes on… you get it. It’s a mantra people in the solar industry have been saying for months. It describes the proposed Amendment 4 that would exempt solar systems from the tangible personal property tax and real estate property tax.


In plain English, this means Amendment 4 would make it much easier for all Floridians to go solar, as well as lowering the cost of energy.

Well solar history was made last night at the voting polls! The final tally of votes for Amendment 4 came in at a whopping 73% of all Floridian voters casting YES ballots for solar growth.


Solar is shining brightly in the Sunshine State and the future of clean energy is looking very promising. With the passage of Amendment 4, Floridians can look forward to more green energy choices, more solar jobs, and a cleaner environment.


You helped make this happen with your participation. Voting, talking, and advocating for the Amendment 4 cause has helped the solar industry achieve this phenomenal victory. We thank you.  


But It’s Not Over Yet...

While we’re ecstatic about this solar win, the heavy lifting isn’t done yet. On the November ballot, if you support solar, make sure you vote NO on Amendment 1.


Amendment 1 is a deceiving ballot backed by big monopoly utilities. It’s masquerading as a pro-solar energy initiative and has been labeled a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.”


The misleading Amendment 1 would destroy net metering in Florida, making it harder and more expensive to go solar. It would even prevent many consumers from generating their own power.


Fight alongside us and urge your family, friends, and neighbors: Vote NO ON 1!


Call or contact us today at 407.331.9077 to learn more about these Amendments and what you can do to help the solar cause.

