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Solar News and Developments.

Saving with Solar (2)

1 min read

5 Tricks for a Scarily Low Energy Bill

What a treat! To celebrate Halloween this year, we found a scarily effective infographic on how to keep your energy bill low. Get ready for 5 tricks...

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1 min read

Eco-Friendly Home Becomes A Green Learning Model for Students

The 125-year-old Taft School in Watertown, Connecticut, recently built a new eco-friendly home for faculty members to serve as a high-performance...

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2 min read

6 Solar Myths - Busted!

America’s solar industry is going through a record-breaking period. Just this year, it’s expected that the number of solar panels installed will rise...

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1 min read

Solar-Powered Airports Are Taking Off

It’s common enough to look out your airplane window as you’re moving down the terminal lanes. You’ll usually see a lot of concrete. Maybe some grass....

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2 min read

Want to Go Solar? Here are 3 Ways to Get Started

With solar panel prices cheaper than they’ve ever been, the extreme environmental benefit, and plentiful positive press (not to mention all the...

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1 min read

Clean Energy Savings for All Americans: How You Can Go Solar

Last week, the White House announced an exciting new initiative called the Clean Energy Savings for All Americans. This innovative new program aims...

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1 min read

If You’re Thinking About Solar, Read This First!

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: solar is looking good. With residential solar installations reaching an all-time high, solar efficiency...

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2 min read

3 Energy Saving Tax Tips

With tax season over and finished, are you looking at the amount you paid and wish that it was less? Do you dread even thinking about next year’s...

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1 min read

Breaking News: PACE is in Orlando!

Following this year’s National Hurricane Conference and Florida’s continuing efforts on climate preparedness, Orlando has just teamed up with over 60...

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1 min read

5 Tips for Saving with Solar Orlando Companies

Looking to enhance your home's energy efficiency and cut down on utility bills? Look no further than solar energy panels. With the abundance of...

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