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Solar News and Developments.

Solar Electric (4)

1 min read

U.S. Solar Jobs Exceed Oil and Gas for the First Time

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) just released a report detailing the number of U.S. solar jobs compared to the number of oil and...

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3 min read

Should You Wait to Get a PV PANEL INSTALLATION?

In a world where technological advancements seem to occur at breakneck speed, it's natural to wonder if you should wait for the next big thing before...

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2 min read

How Big of a Solar Array Does the World Really Need?

You’ll hear it anywhere: solar power is a seriously underrated resource. The Sun, burning 92.96 million miles from Earth, hits our planet with more...

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2 min read

Studies Show: Solar Energy Raises The Value of Your Home!

New studies have come out with data showing that buyers will pay more for homes with rooftop solar panels and they’re buying them faster than...

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2 min read

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Installing Solar Panels

You’ve heard so much about going solar. You think it might be right for you. You’re impressed by the countless benefits, like locking in low energy...

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2 min read

Your HOA CANNOT Say No to Solar!

If you live in a community with a homeowners association, you’re probably very familiar with the many variables that your HOA has control over: the...

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2 min read

The Happiest Place on Earth Goes Solar

There’s a new solar farm near Walt Disney World that’s been getting a lot of attention. It takes up 20 acres, features 48,000 photovoltaic panels, is...

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2 min read

The Bright Future of Solar

A new report has come out by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) regarding an exciting future of solar. The study figured out that if all...

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2 min read

What Size Inverter Should I Get for My PV System?

Any solar supplier will tell you that properly matching PV and inverter capacities isn’t a clear cut process. You don’t want to spend extra on an...

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1 min read

Race toward Savings with PACE!

Let’s say you’ve been thinking about getting a new solar system. You’ve been hearing so many great things about solar panels and solar pool heating:...

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