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1 min read

Why heat with solar?

Why heat with solar? Let us look at some basic facts about heating your pool with solar



Increasing fuel costs are making pool heating more difficult for most residential and commercial pool owners, but energy from the sun is free and not affected by rising fuel costs.


Our comprehensive warranty allows you to enjoy your pool with confidence that your pool solar system will perform year after year, worry-free.

Maintenance Costs

Maintenance is piratically eliminated due to our rugged design and reliability


Our solar pool heating system provides safe, clean energy without non-renewable fuels, lessening your dependence on foreign oil.

World Class Quality

Patented individual tube design virtually eliminates wind load and allows your roof to breathe.Heliocol is proud to be the only solar pool heating manufacturer to achieve ISO 9001:2000 Certification, an elite international standard awarded only to companies achieving at the highest levels within their industries in operational, marketing and business management practices.

  • Heliocol uses free energy from the sun, all other technologies cost much more to operate.
  • Attractive appearance with no gaps between collectors, no hoses or hose clamps and no unsightly strapping.
  • Heliocol carries a limited lifetime warranty.
  • Heliocol's 30 years of experience and Superior quality in the solar pool heating industry means our systems outperform and outlast the competition.


How it Works


Using your existing pool pump, pool water is directed through a series of valves to your solar collectors. Pool water enters the solar collectors at the bottom of the panels and rises to the top through the individual tubes of the collector.

As the water rises through the collector, it is heated by the sun's radiant energy. The warm water is then returned to the pool to repeat the cycle until your pool has reached your desired temperature.

Solar pool heating can be added to any existing pool. We provide free estimates, call today while the thought is still fresh in your mind.Ask a Professional